Each product we offer has been chosen because of its beauty, quality and because it has been produced in a way that we feel improves the world. Below is our checklist with explainations of the production methods that each product supports. Look for this checklist on each product page to see what you will support with your purchase.
Heritage Breed — heritage breeds have long established histories, are rare, and are threatened by the increasing homogenization of modern industrial agriculture. They possess important genetic diversity and many of them thrive on grass and pasture-based systems.
Pasture Raised Animals — we feel it’s important that animals have access to fresh grass, sunshine, and plenty of room to exercise.
Fiber Grown in Vermont — in the 1800s Vermont was the world’s sheep capital with over 1.5 million sheep roaming the hills, but now there are far fewer sheep and finding fiber is a challenge.
Produced in Vermont — Vermont has a wealth of small crafters and artisans, and a few small manufacturing facilities. High quality craftsmanship has always been synonymous with the Vermont name.
Made in the USA — many woolen products are manuafactured overseas where labor and environmental laws do little to protect people and the land, hence we seek to develop products that are made here in the USA.